Executive Committee
Welcome to the 28th Cambridge Scout Group Executive Committee web page.
The Exec Committee exists to assist the Group Scout Leader in meeting the responsibilities of his or her appointment. It is responsible for administration of group finance and legal aspects regarding use of the scout hut, maintenance of the hut and equipment, raising funds and leadership recruitment.
Examples of what Exec members get involved in include: overseeing the hiring out of the hut, keeping track of the many and varied finances of the group and organising fund-raising such as the bag packing day at Sainsburys for the troop that raised £500 or the very successful Family Day that raised £420.
As with any organisation like this though, there are always more things to do than there are people to do them: everything from regular cleaning of the hut and putting out the rubbish / recycling to liaising with other hut users, from repairing equipment to helping investigate and from filling in the forms to get funding to getting major projects underway such as getting the electrics improved and upgrading the heating and security. This range of projects and regular tasks goes beyond the capacity of the current Exec team. There is always a job for anyone who would like to volunteer to help the group progress.
We all live busy lives but the simple logic here is that the more people we can get involved, the less each person has to do, we can make more progress more quickly and enhance the experience of scouting for our young members and the beavers, cubs and scouts of the future.
If you would like to help, please contact us via email or contact one of the Leaders.