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28th Cambridge Beaver Colony

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Our Badges

Our Leaders

Little Beaver

St George's Day

Remembrance Day

Waiting List Policy

One of our Beavers drew this card, which was used as a national Scouting Christmas Card
One of our Beavers' Xmas card

Welcome to the 28th Cambridge Beaver Colony pages

We provide an active programme of indoor and outdoor activities for young people (boys and girls) between the ages of 6 and 8 as Beavers from the scout hut at the end of Flamsteed Road on Tuesday evenings during term time between 5 and 6pm. After Beavers many of our 8 year olds go up to Cubs.

Parents are invited to join us on certain meetings a year, and any recyclable household items we can use to make futuristic heroes for our Imagination Badges would be appreciated

To add your child to our waiting list, please use this online form:

28th Cambridge Waiting List Request Form

Contact details for the beaver leader or our AGL are alson on our waiting list policy page

Hazel Beaver, one of our leaders
Hazel Beaver, one of our leaders