go to home page 28th Cambridge Scout Group


Please support us by making your online purchasing via our fundraising link below. The sites you buy from give our group a small percentage (typically 3-5% but it can be up to 15%) 'finders fee' but the price you pay is exactly the same:





The 28th Cambridge is funded by the subscriptions paid by its members, the Scouts, Cubs and Beavers who attend. These are currently £25 per school term (since 2008)

Gift Aid
(personal donations)

This is a vital source of additional income. Please sign the gift aid forms. Every penny you give is matched by the Inland Revenue with an amount equivalent to the tax paid on it (28p extra for every pound given - get your own back on the tax man!)

(other donations)

Support from charities, public bodies, individuals and businesses enables larger refurbishments and upgrades or provide other one-off help. It was a donation like this that provided for the new windows for the hut and another that provided old bicycle wheels for the cub's chariots.


These events, such as plants sales, jumble sales or stalls at community events, often double as recruitment opportunities for Beavers, Cubs, Scouts and adult helpers. We also have an online fundraising system (see link above)

Hall rent

Contributions to the running of the building are made by other users, such as a Boxing group (hence the ceiling hooks for their punchbags) and the earlier Dance group (hence the wall mounted bars and foldaway mirror)

(and services)

The support given to the Group in maintenance, transportation, administration, demonstrations and consultation without payment is essential to keep costs to a minimum. Without such help the activities with the Beavers, Cubs and Scouts would suffer greatly or stop.

Regular business funding

Some scout groups are lucky enough to receive regular help with their funding from a local business contributor. The 28th would dearly love to build up a relationship with a local business keen to 'give something back' to the local community. Please email our AGL if your business could help

Central Funding?

28th Cambridge receive no funding from Scouting HQ, local or national government (indeed, we pay a Capitation fee to Scouting HQ; see below)


(Scouting HQ fees)

Fees paid per member's head (hence capitation) which covers our considerable insurance requirements and funds our District to supply us with training, facilities, functions and some administration


Costs on weekly events, badges, materials and so on.


Running costs for the building such as lighting and heating, insurance and repair.

Leaders' pay?

All the leaders, all the behind the scenes helpers, admin and maintenance people, indeed everyone who works for the group, do so without any remuneration. Despite deserving it for their dedication, time and effort, they don't get any.