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Photographs, Videos
and Audio Policy

On occasions, photographs, videos and audio of Scouts taking part in activities may be submitted to the local newspapers, the Group, District or County newsletters, websites or put on display. If you have any objections please indicate you are not willing for your child's image to be used in this way by informing your Section Leader.

General Permission

On joining the 28th Cambridge Scout Group a Group specific information form containing permission to take photographs should be completed.

This can be altered at any time. Please discuss issues and reasons with your Section Leader if necessary. We appreciate that reasons to withhold permission can be a general preference or a specific circumstance. In some situations it is important that Leaders are aware of the specific situations to maximise vigilance concerning photographs and any other connected concerns.

Camp Permission

An opt-out clause is included in the standard Group Camp Permission Form. Cross through to indicate that permission is withheld. No reason need be given; if one is given it may help us help you and the scouter in question to further avoid what the unwanted attention might be.

The 28th Cambridge Scout Group will

We will

Advertising or promotional photographs

When photographs are being taken specifically for use in advertising and/or promotional material we will do our best to obtain parental consent using the Scout Form FS295428.
(A release form is not a legal requirement, as the copyright of an image belongs to the photographer and not the subject.)

Shep, Akela, Hazel