Click to show: All Scouts Cubs Beavers |
Tue 01-Dec-15 | Hanukkah |
Sun 06-Dec-15 | District Cubs Christmas Party 3-6pm Milton Community Centre |
Tue 08-Dec-15 | Christmas Preparations |
Sat 12-Dec-15 | District Beaver Christmas Party 4-6:30pm Milton Community Centre |
Tue 15-Dec-15 | 6-7:30pm Group Christmas Show |
Tue 15-Dec-15 | 7:30-9pm Troop Leadership Meeting |
Wed 16-Dec-15 | 7pm Cubs Panto trip |
Tue 05-Jan-16 | First meeting of 2016, Cubs centenary year |
Tue 05-Jan-16 | Cooperative Games |
Fri 08-Jan-16 - Sun 10-Jan-16 | Gilwell Winter Camp |
Tue 12-Jan-16 | Detective Skills |
Sun 17-Jan-16 | 10-4pm Leaders Archery Day |
Tue 19-Jan-16 | Teamwork Challanges |
Tue 26-Jan-16 | Big Garden Bird Watch |
Sat 30-Jan-16 | District Cubs Swimming Badges 1:45-3:30pm Leys School Pool |
Sun 31-Jan-16 | District Cubs Chess Competition |
Tue 02-Feb-16 | Air Activities 1 |
Tue 02-Feb-16 | 6pm Jambowlree at Cambridge Tenpin |
Sat 06-Feb-16 | Quest Incident Hike |
Sun 07-Feb-16 | Trip to Duxford |
Tue 09-Feb-16 | Air Activities 2 |
Sat 13-Feb-16 | District Cub Leaders Day |
Tue 16-Feb-16 | Half Term - no meeting |
Thu 18-Feb-16 | Scoutcraft Camp setup (PL/APLs) |
Fri 19-Feb-16 - Sun 21-Feb-16 | Scoutcraft Camp |
Sun 21-Feb-16 | 9:30-3pm Leaders First Aid Course |
Tue 23-Feb-16 | 6-7:30 Founder's Day Fulbourn Scout Hut (NOT in the woods) |
Sun 28-Feb-16 | 10-12pm Cubs Penkinfe Training |
Sun 28-Feb-16 | 2-4pm Leaders Sharp Tool Course |
Tue 01-Mar-16 | Saint David |
Tue 01-Mar-16 | 6pm Tesco Newmarket Rd Farm to Fork trail |
Sat 05-Mar-16 | Forward Incident Hike |
Tue 08-Mar-16 | Static Electricity |
Sat 12-Mar-16 - Sun 13-Mar-16 | Cubs Sleepover on Safari 4pm at Shepreth Wildlife Park |
Tue 15-Mar-16 | ADC Theatre Visit |
Sun 20-Mar-16 | Group Sponsored Hike to Ely |
Tue 22-Mar-16 | Easter Holidays |
Mon 28-Mar-16 - Sat 02-Apr-16 | Easter Adventure Camp Great Tower Campsite, the Lake District |
Tue 29-Mar-16 | Easter Holidays |
Tue 05-Apr-16 | Easter Holidays |
Tue 12-Apr-16 | Back to Beavers Green Cross Code |
Tue 19-Apr-16 | Looking after our Teeth |
Tue 26-Apr-16 | Promise Puppets |
Fri 29-Apr-16 - Sun 01-May-16 | Family Camp Abington Woods |
Tue 03-May-16 | Gardener Badge 1 |
Fri 06-May-16 - Sun 08-May-16 | National Scout Archery Competition Phasels Wood |
Tue 10-May-16 | Gardener Badge 2 |
Tue 17-May-16 | Predicting the Weather |
Tue 24-May-16 | Hike Grantchester to Newnham |
Tue 07-Jun-16 | Happy 90th Birthday to the Queen |
Fri 10-Jun-16 - Sun 11-Jul-16 | CAW100 - 100 years of Cubs A hypercamp with 1000 cubs from across Cambridgeshire |
Tue 14-Jun-16 | Mini Beasts |
Tue 14-Jun-16 | Compass bearings |
Tue 21-Jun-16 | Group meeting at Wandlebury |
Sat 26-Jun-16 | Leaders Activity Afternoon and County AGM, Mepal |
Tue 28-Jun-16 | Aquathon |
Tue 05-Jul-16 | Fitness Challenge |
Sun 10-Jul-16 | CAMBAD Beaver Activity Day |
Tue 12-Jul-16 | Well Done Young Leaders |
Tue 19-Jul-16 | Group End of Term Party |
Sat 23-Jul-16 - Wed 27-Jul-16 | Cubs Summer Camp Skreens Park |
Sat 06-Aug-16 - Sat 13-Aug-16 | Scouts Summer Camp Broadstone Warren Activity Centre |
Tue 06-Sep-16 | Traverse the Hut |
Tue 13-Sep-16 | Fire lighting |
Tue 13-Sep-16 | Michael's Quiz |
Sat 17-Sep-16 | District Leader's Day |
Tue 20-Sep-16 | Apple Pressing |
Tue 20-Sep-16 | Offsite at Cambridge Mosque |
Tue 20-Sep-16 | Cycle Maintenance & Knots |
Sun 25-Sep-16 | Troop cycle ride |
Tue 27-Sep-16 | Archery Skills |
Tue 27-Sep-16 | Apple Pressing |
Tue 13-Sep-16 | 3D Maps / Challenge / Fire Lighting / Quartermaster 1 |
Tue 04-Oct-16 | Global Issues 1 |
Tue 04-Oct-16 | Pioneering 1 |
Sat 08-Oct-16 | CAMBAD 16 10-5pm Distict Activity Day |
Sat 08-Oct-16 - Sun 09-Oct-16 | Bushcraft Camp Chalfont Heights, Bucks |
Tue 11-Oct-16 | Let's Try Animation |
Tue 11-Oct-16 | Upside Down Cooking |
Tue 11-Oct-16 | 3D Maps / Challenge / Fire Lighting / Quartermaster 2 |
Sat 16-Oct-16 | Penknife Training for Sixers and Seconders 10-1pm with a parent |
Tue 18-Oct-16 | Global Issues 2 |
Tue 18-Oct-16 | YL Led Evening |
Mon 24-Oct-16 | Exec Meeting |
Tue 25-Oct-16 | Half Term |
Tue 01-Nov-16 | Diwali |
Tue 01-Nov-16 | New cubs investiture |
Tue 01-Nov-16 | Pioneering 2 |
Wed 02-Nov-16 | Group Leaders Meeting, YLs welcome |
Fri 04-Nov-16 - Sun 06-Nov-16 | APL / PL Training Weekend Jarman Centre, Newmarket |
Tue 08-Nov-16 | Disability Awareness 1 |
Tue 08-Nov-16 | 3D Maps / Challenge / Fire Lighting / Quartermaster 3 |
Sat 12-Nov-16 | Bulb Planting, Nightingale Avenue |
Sun 13-Nov-16 | Remembrance Day St Johns Church, Hills Road |
Tue 15-Nov-16 | Guide Dogs for the Blind (TBC) |
Tue 15-Nov-16 | Seth's Dinner |
Tue 22-Nov-16 | Disability Awareness 2 |
Tue 22-Nov-16 | Bell Ringing, Great St Marys postponed to next year |
Tue 22-Nov-16 | Christmas Show Preparation |
Fri 25-Nov-16 - Sun 27-Nov-16 | Expedition Weekend |
Fri 25-Nov-16 - Sun 27-Nov-16 | 3D Maps / Challenge / Fire Lighting / Quartermaster 3 |
Sat 26-Nov-16 | District Night Hike |
Sat 26-Nov-16 | Marathon Challenge |
Tue 29-Nov-16 | 7:45 Pantomime at the ADC, Jesus Lane for some |
Tue 06-Dec-16 | Lights Out! Bring a torch |
Tue 06-Dec-16 | Offsite at Teddy Bear Hospital, Addenbrookes |
Tue 06-Dec-16 | PL Led Evening |
Sat 10-Dec-16 | Cake stall, Rock Road Library |
Sun 11-Dec-16 | District Cubs Christmas Party |
Tue 13-Dec-16 | Christmas Preparations |
Tue 13-Dec-16 | Christmas Show Rehearsal |
Sun 18-Dec-16 | District Beaver Christmas Party 4-6:30pm Milton Community Centre |
Tue 20-Dec-16 | Group Christmas Show |
Fri 06-Jan-17 - Sun 08-Jan-17 | Gilwell Winter Camp |
Tue 03-Jan-17 | Bank holiday - no meeting |
Tue 10-Jan-17 | Meetings start for 2017 |
Sun 22-Jan-17 | Cubs District Chess Competition |
Sat 28-Jan-17 |
1:45 Leys School Pool |
Tue 14-Feb-17 | Half term - no meeting |
Sun 29-Jan-17 | 10-4pm District Archery Competition |
Tue 14-Feb-17 | Half Term |
Tue 04-Apr-17 | Easter holidays - no meeting |
Tue 11-Apr-17 | Easter holidays - no meeting |
Fri 28-Apr-17 - Sun 30-Apr-17 | Family Camp |
Fri 05-May-17 - Sun 07-May-17 | Archery Camp |
Tue 30-May-17 | Half term - no meeting |
Fri 09-Jun-17 - Sun 11-Jun-17 | Cubs District Camp Lode |
Sun 23-Jul-17 - Thu 27-Jul-17 | Cubs Summer Camp |
Key: Group Scouts Cubs Beavers |