go to home page 28th Cambridge Cub Scouts

cambridge district badge

Our neckerchief is green and black


Dear parent or carer

Your child has attended Cubs for the last few weeks and now wishes to be Invested.

At the investiture they will require a Cub sweatshirt and a group scarf, which can be bought from the Scout Shop in Perne Road (click here for a map or here for opening times).

They will be asked to make The scout sign: the thumb holds the little finger down, with the other fingers pointing upthe scout sign (left) and repeat the Cub Scout Promise:

I promise that I will do my best
Do my duty to God and the Queen
To help other people
And to keep the Cub Scout law

This can be repeated after me or from memory.

They should also know the Cub Scout Law and Motto but do not need to repeat them:

Cub Scouts always do their best
Think of others before themselves
And do a good turn every day

The Cub Scout Motto is also used by Scouts and Beavers:

Be prepared

You are welcome to attend and take photographs. I will set the date shortly, but some dates that investitures may happen are on the diary. If you are unable to attend in the near future please let me know.
