Waiting List Policy
The three sections of the 28th Cambridge Scout Group (Beavers, 6 – 8 years; Cubs 8 – 10 ½ years; and Scouts 10 ½ – 14 years) and the Explorer Unit that uses our hut each have a waiting list. These first three effectively work as a single waiting list, with a separate list for the Explorers. Each list is ordered according to the date an individual was placed on the list. As spaces become available, offers will be made to those at the top of a list. Our connected Explorer unit maintains their own list.
If an individual on the Beaver or Cub list reaches an age where they become too old for that section without having yet been offered a place, they will be moved to the list of the older section, retaining priority based on the date they first joined the initial waiting list. When we do this we will be in touch with the parents to confirm the place is still wanted as we appreciate that interests change, other activities intervene and people move. We will not retain names on the list unless we receive confirmation you would still like the place.
A growing number of children are placed on the Beaver waiting list from a very young age. In practice this means that unless an individual has been placed on the list before they reach Beaver age, there may be a long wait of months or even years before they are offered a place.
An individual already with a place in Beavers or Cubs will have priority for spaces in the next section.
We currently have two Cub Packs and two Scout Troops (Monday and Tuesday). If you have a preference for a particular pack/troop we will take this into account but we cannot guarantee a place in your preferred choice. An individual may choose to remain on the waiting list for longer until a place opens up in their preferred pack/troop.
We do not regularly update parents as to the status of their child on the waiting list. Please ask if you would like to check.
We cannot accurately predict when a place will become available, but the following information may help:
It is the policy of Cambridge District Scouts not to allow movement of individuals between groups in the district. Existing Scout members who move into the District from elsewhere will be accepted into a group within the district. Similarly, any members from the 28th Cambridge Scout Group who move away should expect the same.
We are only able to offer places at all because of our volunteer leaders. The more leaders we have the greater the number of places that are available. If you are interested, please talk to a member of the leadership team for further information about volunteering.
Adults who join and start to train as leaders, that is towards their wood beads, a level able to manage a Section, usually gain priority for their children.
To place your child on a waiting list, please contact:
Scout leader: Shep, |
Cub leader: Akela, |
Beaver leader: Hazel |
email |
email |
email |
Update: April 2017 – Group Expansion
The Group has recently opened a new pack within the Cub section. We currently have a Beaver Colony of 16, two Cub Packs, Monsoon Mondays and Typhoon Tuesdays, which are moving towards 24 each, and a Scout Troop of 30. The numbers of Beavers, Cubs and Scouts is set to allow some new intake at each new age group. We aim to open a second Scout Troop in September 2017 to accommodate the extra scout numbers the new Cub Pack will bring.
This expansion of the group can only be a success if we also expand our numbers of adult volunteers. We reiterate the point that we always need adult volunteers to keep the group running. Please get in touch if you are interested in helping in any way, however big or small.